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MOST Ministries

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July 1

We are grateful that MOST has 3 mission teams going out this month. We pray for good health and smooth preparations as they get ready for their travels and projects.


July 2

We give thanks for the opportunities given to MOST to exhibit and to present our message at LWML conventions around the U.S.


July 3

MOST Ministries is blessed to have wonderful hosts around the world who care for our teams’ lodging, food, translators and travel in-country. We pray for them today.


July 4

Have a blessed Independence Day! Pray that God would keep his hand on our nation.


July 5

We are thankful for our very capable travel agent, Gordon, who keeps up with our ever-changing needs while trying to keep airfares reasonable for our mission work.


July 6

Kaleigh Bone, MOST’s Team Administrator, is celebrating her birthday today!  God’s blessings on her day!


July 7

Please pray for more team members to join Team 2411, to build a house for a local family in Mexico.  Ysleta Lutheran Mission sponsors wonderful work in that community.


July 8

Today we are grateful for you, our prayer warriors! We appreciate your dedication to keeping our staff, teams, board of directors and hosts in your thoughts and prayers.


July 9

Today begins the LCMS’s 2024 Institute on Liturgy, Preaching & Church Music at CU/Seward. We pray for guidance and inspiration of those presenting and attending.


July 10

Team 2421 will have its final team meeting today, prior to their departure July 26. We are grateful for the students’ enthusiasm and commitment to spreading the Gospel.


July 11

Today we are thankful for MOST’s partnership with Caring Friends in South Africa. We support their prayers to collect more used eyeglasses to expand their outreach.


July 12

Please pray for MOST’s staff as they continue the very detailed work required to coordinate the mission trips and back-stop the teams on the field.


July 13

Team 2416 from St. Peter, Macomb travels to Belize today for a week-long VBS in Orange Walk. We pray for their safe travels and for the efforts of our host.

Teams on the Field:                                               Team Leader:

2416 Belize VBS                                                    Kaleigh Bone


July 14

We pray for Team 2416’s opportunity to worship with their Belize hosts today.

Teams on the Field:                                               Team Leader:

2416 Belize VBS                                                    Kaleigh Bone


July 15

Today is Team 2416’s first day of VBS. We pray that everyone can stay cool in the summer heat this week!

Teams on the Field:                                               Team Leader:

2416 Belize VBS                                                    Kaleigh Bone

Tuesday, July 16

VBS is a great opportunity for children to learn about the Bible and Jesus’ love for them. We are grateful for this team that has traveled to Belize to share that love.

Teams on the Field:                                               Team Leader:

2416 Belize VBS                                                    Kaleigh Bone


July 17

Today we pray that our team stays healthy in Belize to complete the VBS.

Teams on the Field:                                               Team Leader:

2416 Belize VBS                                                    Kaleigh Bone


July 18

Today is the Belize team’s final day of VBS. We pray for the children and adults who have participated in their activities and have heard the message of salvation.

Teams on the Field:                                               Team Leader:

2416 Belize VBS                                                    Kaleigh Bone


July 19

Prayers for Team 2416’s cultural day today and preparations for departure tomorrow.

Teams on the Field:                                               Team Leader:

2416 Belize VBS                                                    Kaleigh Bone


July 20

We pray for Team 2416’s safe travels back to the U.S. today.

Teams on the Field:                                               Team Leader:

2416 Belize VBS                                                    Kaleigh Bone


July 21

Please pray for the National Lutheran Youth Workers Conference, opening today in New Orleans, the site of the 2025 LCMS Youth Gathering.


July 22

Our teams travel with many suitcases filled with precious materials for their

mission work: eyeglasses, medications, water filters, and more. We pray for

safe transit through customs in each country.


July 23

We pray for the translators who serve our teams when they’re on the field. We rely on their ability to bridge the gap between their language and English, a true blessing!


July 24

Linda Thompson, MOST’s Ministry Support, is celebrating her birthday today!  Pray for a blessed year ahead!


July 25

We give thanks for MOST Ministries’ five-year partnership with CUAA’s School of Nursing. This year’s team with 10 students departs tomorrow!


July 26

Please pray for Team 2421 as they travel to Belize today! They will hold medical clinics in and around San Ignacio.

Teams on the Field:                                               Team Leader:

2421 Honduras CUAA-Medical                              Cindy Pine


July 27

We pray for team 2413 travelling to Honduras today.

Team 2421 will be learning details of the Belize health delivery system today.

Teams on the Field:                                               Team Leader:

2421 Belize CUAA-Medical                                    Cindy Pine

2413 Honduras Eyeglass                                       Alysia Masters


July 28

Penny Selle is celebrating her birthday today!  We are grateful for her many contributions to MOST as a Board member and team member.  

Teams on the Field:                                               Team Leader:

2421 Belize CUAA-Medical                                    Cindy Pine

2413 Honduras Eyeglass                                       Alysia Masters


July 29

We pray for Team 2413’s first day of eyeglass clinic. We know it is a wonderful blessing to help people see clearly, many for the first time in their life.

Teams on the Field:                                               Team Leader:

2421 Belize CUAA-Medical                                    Cindy Pine

2413 Honduras Eyeglass                                       Alysia Masters


July 30

We pray for the medical clinic being held in Honduras today.

Teams on the Field:                                               Team Leader:

2421 Belize CUAA-Medical                                    Cindy Pine

2413 Honduras Eyeglass                                       Alysia Masters


July 31

Today we pray for our teams’ health in Belize & Honduras. We know it can upset some people’s sleep patterns and digestion to be in unfamiliar surroundings with a new diet.

Teams on the Field:                                               Team Leader:

2421 Belize CUAA-Medical                                    Cindy Pine

2413 Honduras Eyeglass                                       Alysia Masters


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    655 Phoenix Drive
    Ann Arbor, MI 48108


    Mon-Thu  8:30A-5:00P

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