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MOST Ministries

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Feb 1

February 2025 marks the 34th anniversary of MOST’s eyeglass ministry! Mission teams to help the vision-impaired have been MOST’s top-requested team project.


Feb 2

Today Team 2511 will hold its first meeting. The team, many from Sioux Falls, SD, and others by Zoom, will begin preparing for their May medical trip.


Feb 3

We are grateful for our partnership with Next Life Foundation, dating back to 2019, when MOST sent its first team to work with the young Maasi people in NLF’s vocational school in northern Tanzania. We just completed our fourth mission there.


Feb 4

We give thanks for the churches that opened their doors to our recent team in India. We pray for the lasting impact of sharing the Gospel of Christ in India.


Feb 5

Team 2504 has one of several team trainings online today as they prepare to serve in Belize conducting eyeglass clinics in 10 days.


Feb 6

We give thanks for the many Michigan Lutheran Schools that have requested chapel presentations by MOST Ministries. MOST was designated the “Hearts for Jesus” mission recipient this season, as named by the Michigan District. As a result, MOST Board members and staff get to tell school children about our missions and projects.


Feb 7

Tonight MOST’s staff and team leaders will gather in Ann Arbor for fellowship, looking forward to tomorrow’s retreat and discussing the 2025 mission schedule.


Feb 8

We pray today for the annual Team Leader Retreat, when MOST staff present updates and important training for our team leaders.


Feb 9

We thank you faithful volunteers who send us boxes of eyeglasses, cases, and witness bracelets or finger puppets. You keep us well stocked for our mission trips!


Feb 10

We are grateful and excited to add Canada as a new country for MOST to serve in 2025. Working with LAMP, Lutheran Association of Missionaries & Pilots, these teams will hold VBS with churches in remote areas of Canada.


Feb 11

Please visit our informative website that shows the many teams we have planned for 2025. Please pray that each of the teams might have enough team members to travel.


Feb 12

Our Executive Director, Marty Moro and former Board Chair, Bill Hahn, are in Phoenix to represent MOST Ministries at the Best Practices Conference. We pray that our ministry may encourage some new participants, and we ask safe travels for all.


Feb 13

We give thanks for our donors who share their treasure to help keep our ministry in good financial shape. You are a blessing to us!


Feb 14

Please pray for Team 2504, departing tomorrow for Belize. They carry about 3,000 prescription eyeglasses and hundreds of sunglasses to distribute to people there.


Feb 15

We pray for Team 2504 traveling today to share the love of Christ and help Belizeans improve their vision with refurbished eyeglasses.

Teams on the Field:                                Team Leader:

2504 Belize Eyeglass                              Clay Donnell


Feb 16

Today the Team attends church in Belize & prepares for its week of eyeglass clinics.

Teams on the Field:                                Team Leader:

2504 Belize Eyeglass                              Clay Donnell


Feb 17

Today is the team’s first day of clinic. We pray for Eliu, his wife and family, who serve this week as our hosts and translators.

Teams on the Field:                                Team Leader:

2504 Belize Eyeglass                              Clay Donnell


Feb 18

Kelly Bone, MOST’s Business Manager and Volunteer Coordinator, is celebrating her 10-year anniversary at MOST. We are thankful for her talents and hard work!

Teams on the Field:                                Team Leader:

2504 Belize Eyeglass                              Clay Donnell


Feb 19

Team 2504 is serving a different community in Belize each day this week. We pray for those Belizeans who are hearing about Jesus’ love as they attend the clinics.

Teams on the Field:                                Team Leader:

2504 Belize Eyeglass                              Clay Donnell


Feb 20

We pray for the Team’s final day of eyeglass clinics in Belize today and for the friends the Team has made among their host family, hotel staff and drivers.

Teams on the Field:                                Team Leader:

2504 Belize Eyeglass                              Clay Donnell


Feb 21

The Team will have a day of relaxation today as they climb a pyramid at a nearby Maya archeological site and tour a coffee farm to sample delicious Belizean coffee.

Teams on the Field:                                Team Leader:

2504 Belize Eyeglass                              Clay Donnell


Feb 22

We keep Team 2504 in our prayers for safe travel back to the U.S. today. Welcome home!

Teams on the Field:                                Team Leader:

2504 Belize Eyeglass                              Clay Donnell


Feb 23

Today we give thanks for our “team liaisons.” They organize their church mission team and help provide good communication with MOST staff and team leaders. 


Feb 24

34 years ago today, MOST’s first eyeglass distribution occurred during a mission trip to Haiti. We’re grateful that hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have heard the Gospel proclaimed because of attending our eyeglass clinics over the years!  


Feb 25

Pray for our LCMS churches that are in the process of filling pastoral vacancies. We ask for many men to be led by the Holy Spirit to enter the ministry.


Feb 26

Does your church receive “mite offerings” given by your LWML women’s group? We are grateful for those donations. They help fund many mission activities, including MOST Ministries teams. Thank you!


Feb 27

We are thankful today for the volunteers who show up weekly and/or monthly to help process the many thousands of eyeglasses that we receive each year. Our eyeglass ministry literally “runs on” their energy and good will.


Feb 28

We are grateful for the translators who will assist our teams in 11 different countries (excluding Canada and Jamaica) this year. We pray for their spiritual and professional preparation.


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    655 Phoenix Drive
    Ann Arbor, MI 48108


    Mon-Thu  8:30A-5:00P

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